vitamins for men
vitamins for men


The best vitamins for men

In an ideal world, we would all eat ultra-low-processed, organic and nutritious foods full of different types of foods that provide us with the vitamins we need. However, this is not always possible or realistic for many men, causing widespread nutrient deficiencies and health problems. Many people assume that vitamin or mineral deficiencies are mostly a Third World problem in the 21st century, but in fact, research tells us that even in developed countries, the best vitamins for men are not used up enough.

A high percentage of men who eat the typical “Western diet” today experience at least one type of vitamin or nutrient deficiency, largely due to a poor diet low in vitamins such as vegetables and fruits. In a 2009 NBC News report stated that “studies show that 77 percent of men are not getting enough magnesium, that many of us are deficient in vitamin D, B12, and I haven’t mentioned potassium and iodine problems yet.” The best vitamins for men

Make no mistake, men are just as susceptible as women and you may experience low levels of vitamins and minerals. Removing deficiencies and consuming more nutrients helps improve many aspects of a man’s overall health: better muscle strength, faster metabolism and fat loss, more energy, better sleep, better sexual performance, and protection against health problems such as a heat attack or prostate cancer. Therefore, it is important to consume as many vitamins and minerals as possible in your diet.

Ideally, vitamin supplements would not be necessary. However, the fast-paced Western fashion lifestyle often eliminates nutrient-rich diets that people need for optimal health.

When looking for a multivitamin, I highly recommend choosing a fermented option. Fermentation is a form of pre-digestion that makes nutrients easier to absorb, meaning you’ll get more nutritious food in each dose than the non-fermented option. Include a multivitamin rich in foods such as ashwagandha, palmetto, ginger, ginseng, and more.

Based on the statistics that most men may lack vitamins, I will list the most important ones, make sure you and your loved ones are getting enough of them:

best supplements for men
best supplements for men

1. Vitamin D3 The best vitamins for men

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common defects in adult men and women. It is estimated that 45% to 75% of all adults experience at least some degree of vitamin D deficiency, especially those who live in cold climates and spend most of their time indoors. The best vitamins for men

Men need vitamin D3 to make enough testosterone, keep bones strong, protect brain health, prevent mood disorders like depression, and help control cholesterol and blood pressure. Vitamin D3 is also capable of lowering inflammation, which is why some studies have found that men who are deficient in D may be 80 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those who are not deficient.

Vitamin D3 can be obtained by eating certain foods, such as eggs, some dairy products, and even some mushrooms, but most of our vitamin D is directly exposed to the sun without using a lot of sunscreen. By spending 15-20 minutes a day in the sun without sunscreen, you help synthesize vitamin D in contact with the skin and detoxify the body from the sun. During the colder months of the year, or if you are unable to regularly go outside, consider purchasing a supplement to cover your needs.

2. Vitamin B12

Many men and women are low in vitamin B12, albeit for slightly different reasons. Studies show that most men usually get the daily amount of vitamin B12 they need (from eating beef, poultry, and eggs), but they often have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 properly due to medication, especially in older men taking multiple prescriptions at once. Drugs such as acid blockers and drugs used to treat blood pressure or diabetes can affect the body’s B12 metabolism – which is a problem given that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue and problems with the central nervous system.

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A report from Harvard Medical School found that research shows about 3 percent to 4 percent of all adults have very little B12, but about 20 percent are borderline deficient, which is still risky. B12 can be obtained from most animal proteins, especially lamb, beef and salmon. If you avoid consuming most or all animal products, or take medications regularly, it is a good idea to consider taking additional vitamin B12 supplementation daily to meet your needs.

3. Antioxidant vitamins (vitamins A, C and E)

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, or collagen-based vegetables, is the best way to get protective antioxidants like vitamin C and A. These fat-soluble vitamins cannot be made by the body, so must come from our diet. Their greatest benefit is fighting free radical damage (also known as oxidative stress), which accelerates the aging process and puts men at greater risk of problems such as cancer, cognitive decline, blindness and heart disease.

As people age, consuming antioxidant vitamins helps protect healthy cells, prevent cell mutation and tumor growth, and conserve muscle, sarcopenia, arterial damage, and tissue loss. Dry, irritated skin and poor vision (including night blindness or photosensitivity) can be a sign of low vitamin A or vitamin E levels, while a vitamin C deficiency can manifest as a weakened immune system, often sickness, gum swelling and nosebleeds.

To ensure you get the right doses of vitamins A, C and E, “eat the rainbow” colorful vegetables and fruits – as well as nuts and seeds such as almonds and sunflower seeds for additional vitamin E benefits – greatly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, arteriosclerosis, and damage. skin and diabetes.

4. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important for building and maintaining strong bones, blood clotting, and preventing heart disease – which is now the number one cause of death among adult men in the United States and many other Western countries. Why can a person be low in this vitamin? Vitamin K deficiency is more common in men who do not consume vegetables or dairy products on a regular basis, those who have taken antibiotics or medications for long periods, and men who suffer from gut problems such as IBS or inflammatory bowel disease.

Vitamin K1 is found in many green vegetables, while vitamin K2 is found in dairy products. The best way to prevent a vitamin K deficiency is to eat a wide variety of vegetables, including leafy greens, broccoli, capers, and cabbage, as well as some caught fish and cage-free eggs.

The best multivitamins for men will contain these two vitamins. In addition to the important and best vitamins for men listed above, all men should make an effort to consume essential minerals and fatty acids as well:

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential electrolyte mineral involved in over 300 different chemical processes. It plays a role in regulating calcium, potassium, and sodium levels, helping to prevent conditions such as high blood pressure, muscle spasms, headaches, and heart disease. Magnesium levels in modern food have been declining due to soil depletion. When a person is under a lot of stress, it often has the form of a digestive disorder that blocks absorption, putting them even more at risk of low magnesium levels.

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The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are far-reaching and common: muscle twitching, restlessness, toilet trouble, and difficulty falling asleep. Make sure you cut it in enough. Eat magnesium-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, sea vegetables / algae, beans, nuts, and seeds. It’s also a good idea to supplement with extra magnesium, as studies show that many older people tend to have reduced intestinal magnesium absorption, fewer magnesium stores, and excessive urinary magnesium losses.

6. Omega-3 Fish Oils

Studies have shown that there are many benefits to eating fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines, tuna and halibut. Most people who eat the “Western diet” consume a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory and are found in many packaged foods and vegetable oils, but not too many omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and found in fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.

However, some men consume up to 10 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3. Both fatty acids need to balance each other to keep inflammation low and protect the heart, brain and immune system. Eating your fish several times a week, or taking an omega-3 fish oil supplement of about 1,000 milligrams a day, is a good way to ensure you have healthy omega-3 levels.

7. Potassium

Low potassium levels increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, especially high blood pressure, which affects about one in three adult men. It is also associated with poor bone health, slow metabolism, fatigue (as it helps cells use glucose for energy), poor digestion, and muscle cramps. Many adults in the US and other developed countries suffer from low potassium levels. In fact, research by the USDA shows that a significant percentage of adults are not getting even half the recommended amount of the potassium they need! The best vitamins for men

Potassium deficiency is most common in men taking diuretics or medications for high blood pressure, diabetes or ischemic heart disease, and in people taking laxatives, in men with impaired kidney or adrenal function, in alcoholics, and in men who exercise for more than one or two hours a day.

You can meet your potassium needs by eating foods like beans, avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, salmon, and grass-fed beef. If you are dehydrated, have a fever or have diarrhea, you probably have too little potassium and you should try to get more than usual. The best vitamins for men

Risk factors for vitamin deficiencies in men:

Studies show that men are more likely to be deficient in certain vitamins if they eat a largely processed diet (eat large amounts of packaged or take-away foods), have low economic status, or tend to surround themselves with people who eat poor diets, especially family members and close friends . All of these factors influence someone’s personal habits and, therefore, their food choices and intake of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.

There are 13 essential vitamins that all people need – including vitamins C, A, D, E, K, and B vitamins (such as thiamin and vitamin B12) – and a number of important trace elements, electrolytes, and fatty acids. You may experience low levels of vitamins or minerals without showing any noticeable signs or symptoms, so don’t assume that because you are feeling mostly “normal” you are not missing these nutrients.

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Risk factors for a man to be deficient in one or more vitamins or other essential nutrients include:
-Eat a poor diet, especially low in fresh vegetables and fruits.

– Being elderly (studies indicate that the nutritional status of older men may have an impact on a decrease in basal metabolism and appetite, a reduction in the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach, changes in fluid flow and electrolyte regulation, and chronic diseases)

– Genetic burden. The best vitamins for men

– Having any food allergies that eliminate certain food groups and interfere with metabolic processes.

– Being underweight and consuming too few calories (“underweight” is generally considered below BMI 18.5)

– Being of low socioeconomic status, not being educated and experiencing poverty (which can make it difficult to buy high-quality fresh food). The best vitamins for men

– Treat a disease that affects the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract by
taking medications that block the action of certain vitamins.

Is your diet sufficient to provide the vitamins you need?
You may already be eating a fairly solid diet and are trying to include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your meals every day. Wondering if you might still be exposed to low levels of some of the best vitamins for men? The risk factors listed above mean that nutrient deficiencies are more common in men, which means you may want to take supplements if several of them apply to you. Research shows that certain groups of men are also more prone to lacking key vitamins, making them good candidates for supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals to meet all of their needs:

You rarely eat seafood, meat, eggs, dairy, and poultry:

Vegetarians and vegans are more likely to be low in vitamin B12, iron, certain essential amino acids, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re avoiding all animal foods, it’s a good idea to take supplements daily, and if you don’t consume a lot of fish or seafood on a regular basis, you can use extra omega-3s.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies worldwide, and while many people believe that women tend to be affected by low iron levels and anemia, men can also experience it. Consider adding more seeds and beans to your diet with vitamin C-rich foods to increase your iron absorption.

You have gut problems that are blocking absorption:

Even if your diet is full of nutrients, it’s not good if your body can’t absorb them properly. The lack of certain digestive enzymes and stomach acids can interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins. This problem is especially common among people with inflammatory bowel disease or food allergies, older men who naturally experience impaired digestive function due to aging, and people with high inflammation.

You’re Taking Your Medication:

Common medications can reduce the bioavailability of key vitamins and minerals, and research shows that nearly 50 percent of American adults regularly take at least one prescription drug (20 percent are taking at least 3). Antibiotics, for example, often block the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc by binding to them in the digestive tract.

Antacids, cholesterol-lowering drugs, drugs used to control high blood pressure, and diabetes also alter the natural pH of the upper gastrointestinal tract by interfering with the metabolism of many vitamins and minerals.