homemade temporary tattoo
homemade temporary tattoo

Tattoos are a timeless trend, however many people have difficulty deciding on a specific design that will stay on their skin forever, others prefer to try a design and see how it looks before making the decision to mark it definitively. And of course, there is the case of those who would like to get a tattoo but for work, family or personal reasons prefer not to take this step.

Whatever your case, a temporary tattoo is the ideal solution. You can choose a great design that you identify with and wear it on your skin without the need to go through a painful experience, or without having to carry this image forever. There are professionals who are dedicated to making temporary tattoos, however it is possible to carry out this task at home without complications. If you want to learn how to make a homemade temporary tattoo , keep reading.

  • You will need to:
  • vegetable paper
  • alcohol and cotton
  • a damp cloth
  • A black eye pencil, eyeliner, or marker
  • A makeup brush
  • talcum powder
  • Antiseptic spray or hairspray

Steps to follow:

1. Although you can go to a specialized shop to get a fake tattoo , the method that we suggest at One How To works very well and will allow you to wear your design for around 3 days, even being waterproof. Of course, the final duration will depend on the area in which you are going to apply the fake tattoo, since an area such as the hands that have constant friction and are washed frequently is not the same as another more protected area such as the neck.

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Sweating, constantly rubbing the tattoo or using chemical or cosmetic products on the area will reduce its lifespan.

How to make temporary tattoo
How to make temporary tattoo

2. The first step in making a homemade temporary tattoo is, of course, choosing the image to be tattooed . Taking advantage of the fact that it is not something definitive, we can experiment with different designs with which we feel like playing, although the simpler it is, the better results you will obtain with this technique.

3. Once you have chosen the design, you must trace it on a sheet of tracing paper using a very dark lead pencil. It is important that the drawing is really pronounced and dark, because only then will the transfer to your skin be perfect.

Then you must soak a cotton ball with the alcohol you use for wounds, and pass it through the area of ​​your body where you want to place the fake tattoo.

4. If you have a talent for drawing and you dare to paint the design you want directly on your skin, then you can skip the previous step and draw your tattoo in the area where you want to wear it. But if you prefer to play it safe, then it is best to trace the drawing and carry out the step that we will explain below.

With your skin moistened by the alcohol, place the sheet of parchment paper in the desired area and with the drawing facing your skin. Make sure it’s straight and in the right position, then press down with a damp cloth for a few seconds. Then wait 1 minute and remove the paper, if you have followed all the steps perfectly, the figure you have chosen should already have been transferred to your skin, even if it is in a light tone.

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5. Now that you have the outline of your tattoo on your skin, then it’s time to fill it in to complete the job. For this, the ideal is to use a black eye pencil , but if you do not have it at hand you can opt for a liquid eyeliner or a black marker. Fill in the figure you have chosen until it is complete, in a few minutes you will be able to see your homemade temporary tattoo finished.

6. Your drawing is now complete and you can get a good idea of ​​the end result, but now you need to take the final step to make it last for a few days. Start by dusting powder on top of the figure and using a makeup brush make sure to cover the entire tattoo. When it is perfectly spread, let it rest for 5 minutes and then apply a little antiseptic spray to the area, making sure to cover the entire drawing.

In the event that you do not have spray antiseptic you can use hairspray.

7 Now all you have to do is let the moisture from the spray dry, then shake off the remaining talcum powder and voila! Your homemade fake tattoo will now be perfect to show off.

Keep in mind that this alternative will disappear over the days in the same way that it happens with fake tattoos or skin decals, so the less exposed the area is and the less you wash and rub it, the longer it will last.

And if you want to take the step and do something more definitive, then do not miss our articles:

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