CBD for dogs
CBD for dogs


CBD Dosage for Dogs

What is the best dose of CBD for dogs ? A question that contains many doubts, and pet owners are stunned. There are several situations where alternative treatments have to be sought to alleviate the discomfort caused by the conditions that our dogs may have.

Fortunately, there are now cannabidiol -based products that help dogs overcome certain pains. But, do you really know what dose they need? Many people get carried away by the experience of others, and begin to self-medicate their dogs . A serious mistake!

Like humans, the dog’s body needs specific doses according to its own conditions. Supplying any type of product without a pre-established dosage can trigger other problems, even if the compound is natural. Or in other cases, it might not give you the desired effect because it’s not in the right concentration or too little.

If you want to improve the quality of your pet, and not cause damage to the digestive tract, the nervous system or the immune system, you must take into account the correct dose of CBD for dogs . And one of the best ways to get to it is through a specialist.

Many veterinarians support cannabis-based therapies, and it is already more common than you think. Consequently, you will not have to spend long days looking for someone to support you with the subject.

Why is it important to have the correct dose of CBD for dogs?

Taking into account that the body of dogs is more delicate, their tolerance to various substances is usually lower or higher depending on their size and weight. We recommend that you carry out a prior review of your pet.

Remember that what works for some may not be as good for others . Above all, if they suffer from chronic diseases that cause a lot of pain such as cancer, lymphatic inflammation, osteoarthritis and others. Therefore, it is important to be very clear about the dose of CBD for dogs adapted to their own needs.

We know that you are looking to improve the life of your dog in a difficult time. You are already much of the way advanced, you are aware that CBD has analgesic and anti- inflammatory effects . Now, the most important thing is to supply the dose that will give you relief in this long process.

What is CBD good for in dogs?

Animals, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system that contains CB-1 and CB-2 receptors . These receptors are responsible for carrying out many of the physiological processes resulting from many diseases.

In fact, they are responsible for controlling anxieties, dermatological problems and allergies, movements and mobility. At the same time, stress, anxiety, learning, appetite, emotions, among others.

Studies have revealed that just like humans, animals also produce endocannabinoids. Therefore, they respond to the properties of cannabidiol with the same potency as they do in humans. Although there is a long way to go, and many doubts on the part of researchers, the little or much that is known is for the welfare of dogs.

Therefore, its use is extended to carry certain conditions such as:

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Inflammation: It has been proven to reduce the pain caused by arthritis or inflammatory bowel diseases. Even if the dog has suffered from inflammation due to falls or due to medications that have affected its organs, CBD for dogs calms their ailments for much longer and without side effects.

Different pains:

it is not debatable that CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic. Giving you the freedom to get to the root of the pain and calm it down almost immediately.


Different investigations have concluded that CBD helps reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures produced in dogs that are diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy.

Cancer and degenerative diseases: in these cases it does not act directly on the disease, but relieves the pain that is related to the secondary symptoms of cancer and chemotherapy.


The effect to reduce anxiety is less abrasive than chemical anxiolytic drugs.

What is the dose of CBD for dogs?

The product that is currently authorized is CBD oil . The dosage of CBD for dogs is based on the weight of the animal, and it is recommended that initially between 1 and 5 mg be administered for every 5 kilograms of their body weight.

Very different from the one given to other animals, for example cats. For them, the dose is 1-5 mg of CBD oil. As you can see, it is very different, because in general, dogs are heavier.

For a 5k dog, the dose will be 1-5mg; 10k, 2-10mg; 15k, 3-15mg; 20k, 4-20mg, and so on, up to a maximum of 8-40mg.

How to start using CBD for dogs?

As with starting in humans, always start with the lowest dose. That is, if your dog weighs 15 kilos, you are going to start by giving him only 3 mg of CBD. You can see the effects from half an hour or 45 minutes after administering the product.

If in an hour you see that your pet is still in pain, you can administer a second dose with a small increase, 4 mg, because many times a single dose will not be enough.

As the treatment progresses, you see the behavior and check that the dose of CBD for dogs that you have given has been correct. You will see this in detail as the complaints are reduced or when you see that you have managed to sleep a little more than usual.

How often to give my dog ​​CBD?

A good suggestion is to administer the dose of CBD for dogs every 8 hours, for example, when the cause is pain relief or calming anxiety .

Remember that the way your pet metabolizes CBD can vary and depends on many factors, so you have to try the doses that best suit your pet. It is of great importance that you observe your dog and see how he reacts.

Try one drop a day, observe their reaction, and according to this you can increase the dose.

How to start using CBD for dogs?

As with starting in humans, always start with the lowest dose. That is, if your dog weighs 15 kilos, you are going to start by giving him only 3 mg of CBD. You can see the effects from half an hour or 45 minutes after administering the product.

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If in an hour you see that your pet is still in pain, you can administer a second dose with a small increase, 4 mg, because many times a single dose will not be enough.

As the treatment progresses, you see the behavior and check that the dose of CBD for dogs that you have given has been correct. You will see this in detail as the complaints are reduced or when you see that you have managed to sleep a little more than usual.

How often to give my dog ​​CBD?

A good suggestion is to administer the dose of CBD for dogs every 8 hours, for example, when the cause is pain relief or calming anxiety .

Remember that the way your pet metabolizes CBD can vary and depends on many factors, so you have to try the doses that best suit your pet. It is of great importance that you observe your dog and see how he reacts.

Try one drop a day, observe their reaction, and according to this you can increase the dose.

What is the best way to administer the dose of CBD for dogs?

  • Giving your partner a dose of CBD for dogs is not a difficult process at all. You just have to have a little imagination, however we will help you with some ideas.
  • You can add the drop of CBD Oil to food or a treat.
    You can also rub it on the ears or on the paw and lick it like that, and it works for both dogs and cats.
  • CBD oil comes in chicken and beef flavors so you don’t get the bitter taste of hemp. So if you want you can place it directly in your mouth. Some brands like Formula Swiss have made anti-bite droppers so you don’t have to worry if your pet bites it.
    On the other hand, there are no adverse effects on animals. Perhaps, if the dose is too high, you may be more sleepy or appear more tired than usual.

6 Reasons to Supply CBD for Dogs

We at Farmer CBD want to provide you with all the information you need to convince yourself to supply CBD to your dogs. For this reason, now that we are going to leave the dosage a little, we are going to give you an informative capsule of the 6 reasons why you should give your dog CBD.

1. The medicinal effect of CBD

The CBD used for medicinal therapies comes from the hemp and Sativa L cannabis plants. This means that the THC is very low, and will not give your dog a high . Many think that the dog is going to be plunged into lethargy and it is not.

Although it is true that it may reach a level of relaxation, it is not psychoactive effects . On the contrary, it is that he has come to calm the pain and feels more comfortable, managing to fall asleep after having suffered ailments.

2. Perfect for anxiety

Your dog does not have to be sick to be able to give him CBD. If you notice that your pet feels uncomfortable with some noises, confinement bothers him, he can’t calm down, it’s because he may suffer from anxiety.

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Therefore, if you give them a few drops (dosed and recommended by a specialist) you can make them calm down a bit. CBD for dogs with anxiety helps them to eliminate certain behaviors typical of stress, such as biting an object in desperation, walking sideways and even barking non-stop.

Also if your dog has suffered from abandonment, or some traumatic event, CBD will help.

3. Helps you improve seizures and epilepsy

Studies have shown that up to 5% of dogs can experience some seizures . In general, they usually take medications such as phenobarbital or its derivatives to control them. Of course, these drugs help for seizures, but they can harm some organs such as the liver.

There have been evidence of cases in humans, in which these drugs are not effective. The opposite is the case with CBD, which works very well in epilepsy . In both children and adults who have taken CBD as an alternative to improve these episodes, positive effects have been observed.

4. CBD helps your dog reduce chronic inflammation

CBD helps decrease the release and production of inflammatory cytokines , these can cause autoimmunity, allergies and hypersensitivities.

On the other hand, when using CBD, the production of inflammatory macrophages is inhibited , so chronic inflammations are significantly reduced . Also, CBD is an excellent antioxidant.

5. CBD for dogs relieves pain

CBD works to relieve pain, in fact scientific studies have revealed that it is ideal for chronic pain . Achieving:

  • Reduce pain at the level of neuropathy and nerves.
  • Reduces degeneration and premature aging.
  • Eliminates pain from inflammation due to pancreatitis.
  • Calms the pain when suffering from irritable bowel.
  • CBD for dogs reduces chronic inflammation.

6. CBD does not produce any type of psychoactive effect

As we have already mentioned on several occasions, cannabidiol is an element found in the hemp or cannabis plant. THC is also a component of cannabis and is what produces psychoactivity.

Recommendations so that you know how to choose a good CBD oil for dogs.
The dose of CBD for dogs is an important factor so that you can get the results you expect. However, product quality is essential. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy imitations, it is the best way to check the efficiency of the product.

In addition, you must take into account:

Dosage: so that you can give your dog the correct dose of CBD, the package must contain information on the exact amount in mg of CBD that the product has .
Purity and quality: Verify that the product has a certificate indicating how much CBD it contains.

Ingredients: Check that it is a 100% natural product, that is, that it does not contain fungicides, heavy metals, herbicides, among other chemicals that can harm your dog’s health.

Amount of THC: so that it can be a legal product and your dog does not present episodes of psychoactivity, the THC must be less than 0.2%.