yoga affect human health
yoga affect human health

Let us consider from a scientific (physiological) point of view, the key aspects and mechanisms of the effects of yoga on human health: Cleaning procedures ( shatkarmas) are used continuously during yoga practice at all stages of perfection. When working with the physical body, the entire body is thoroughly cleaned of toxins, the intestines, sinuses, tongue are cleansed, and we perform special exercises for the eyes and respiratory system. When working with consciousness – all negative thoughts and emotions are eliminated, the subconscious sphere is cleared of accumulated negativity over the years, the mood is created for perfection in deeds and actions. This practice of internal and external cleansing very quickly begins to provide strong support for the immune system and facilitates further steps to improve the body and mind.


Asana Practice How does yoga affect human health?

In static and dynamic modes, it affects the human body according to basic physiological patterns, activating absolutely all functional systems. The functional state of the body and health are closely related. The indicator of the health of the body is not only the absence of pathological disorders, but also the level of development of adaptive changes resulting from systematic adaptation to increased requirements, and on its part being a factor protected against extreme tensions.

The beneficial effect of physical activity in yoga is realized through the activation of metabolism in the process of adaptation to the practice of asanas. In the process of adaptation, changes occur in all organs and systems involved in managing and supplying energy to working muscles:

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– an optimally trained musculoskeletal system,
– strengthens the heart and blood vessels, How does yoga affect human health?
– improves autonomic nervous regulation,
– endocrine and nervous systems begin to function more harmoniously.

As a result, practitioners even have the initial stages of hatha yoga, a new quality of psychosomatic balance appears when diseases that result from a negative psychoemotional state and body vein begin to disappear. At the same time, the tasks of strengthening the muscles, increasing their flexibility and endurance, and improving the flexibility of the spine are solved. And this is the basis of good health, high performance, and ultimately a great mood and an optimistic mood that create a sense of health.

Our body is a complete system. High efficiency, well-being, no disease – it is possible only if in every cell of the body, organ or system, there are no areas where the genetic code is damaged, broken innervation or insufficient supply of oxygen, hormones, amino acids, etc. … , The cells themselves as a whole have high reserve capacity in the event of “unforeseen circumstances”. However, certain injuries and deviations from normal work in different parts of the body appear constantly. This is mainly due to the body’s reaction to stressful situations in everyday life, study and work.

The body responds to a stressful situation by activating the sympathetic-adrenal system, which leads to the release of stress hormones into the bloodstream, which should stimulate the body to take active measures (fight for survival or flight). If neither one nor the other happens, and the person has not reacted to the stress factor with any motor activity, then in his body the same stress hormones destroy the membranes of these organs that have been weakened due to genetic characteristics, poor ecology, injuries or lifestyle. As a result, we usually suffer from cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, autonomic nervous disorders, or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

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Hatha Yoga Exercise How does yoga affect human health?

It has a powerful effect on the human body. First of all, it reduces the total amount of stress hormones in the blood, because many asanas and breathing exercises are aimed at activating the parasympathetic (stress relieving) and balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, so the problem of many deviations in health is only solved at the physiological level.

When this occurs, in particular, such phenomena as:

a ) a long-term increase in the defensive reactions of the immune system to foreign factors and the activation of adaptive rearrangements in the body;

b ) acceleration of cell synthesis is tantamount to acceleration of DNA update and correction – hereditary information on which cell health depends “globally”;

c) the renewal of the cellular structures themselves (membranes, enzyme complexes, etc.) is accelerated, and thus the likelihood of deep damage inside the cells is reduced, leading to their dysfunction – disease. How does yoga affect human health?

Thus, yoga classes contribute to the replacement of weak or damaged cell structures with new, young, more profitable ones. Human health is also affected by the condition of the spine, as it is the main channel through which all our internal organs are innervated, receive control information from the nervous system, and signal their condition in response. In yoga, working with the spine and its recovery is one of the most important areas of practice.

The Pranayama Effect How does yoga affect human health?

(breathing exercises) leaves no doubt as to the beneficial effects on the body. The benefits of breathing exercises in the yoga process are determined by:

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– air flowing through the nasal sinuses, reflexively affects many systems and organs;

– movement of the diaphragm (with deep “abdominal” breath) is an additional massage of the abdominal cavity;

– infrequent deep breathing increases the amplitude of changes in the partial tension of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, which helps to relax the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and improves tissue nutrition;

Elements of Raja Yoga, How does yoga affect human health?

The ability to maintain mental concentration and the related ability to manage one’s own mental state is an essential skill of a modern man. If the nature of yoga training allows attention to be focused on certain muscle groups and areas of the body that are active at any given moment, then a conditioned reflex capacity is created that allows not only to focus attention on the object, but also to cause the required vegetative responses in the body.