
Some studies affirm that, if we eat something before training, we will achieve a better performance, while other theories defend the opposite.

With the imminent arrival of summer and the situation of lack of confidence, the idea that we had with the beginning of the year comes to mind again and that, for some reason or another, we have been postponing until now. Yes, we are talking about that great task, that constant purpose that brings us back to consciousness: the idea of starting to play sports .

During this time of year, the days are much longer and our bodies gradually reactivate. In addition to the need to play sports, we must inevitably consider healthy habits to make our lives better . Without a doubt, taking care of our body and developing a good plan to get in shape is a formidable purpose both for those who want to start the bikini operation now , and for those who simply want to feel better about their own body (and no, the choice of determinants is not the result of chance or a typographical error: it is time to leave behind the cliché that we are only women, or we should not be, those who feel the need to tone our physique before summer).

One of the most shared doubts when we decide to start an exercise routine, is whether to exercise before or after breakfast . The truth is that it is a dilemma before which very contradictory theories have been presented. While some time ago advocated the “miraculous” results of fasting sports , other more recent theories are in place in favor of eating some food before a morning training session will help us achieve better performance.

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Why should you eat before playing sports?

According to various nutritionists, the basic problem that surrounds this question is that few consider that the world of fitness is actually a sector based on conditioning factors , and what is good for certain people may be counterproductive for others.

Indeed, there is no correct answer on whether it is more beneficial to exercise before or after breakfast, since it all depends on the objective and the sport that is practiced. Thus, in terms of preparation and diet, we cannot consider the same requirements for the practice of regular exercise at an amateur level (say, exercise one hour a day, three times a week, for example), as for a professional athlete.

Myths about nutrition in sport

When the question arises as to when it is better to exercise, there is a growing trend to consider that, for a person with a normal body mass index and a regular physical activity routine , it is essential to eat something before exercising . This is because, if we do not ingest anything, we will be subjecting the body to a stress situation starting from an already degraded basis, since we face the longest fast of the day, which is the eight hours we spend sleeping.

Thus, to ensure that our body can function properly, it is necessary to eat something before playing sports. After all, our bodies need enough energy to function, just as a car’s engine needs fuel. Once this is clarified, it is necessary to specify the caloric intake and the type of food that is best for us to consume according to our energy waste.

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Fasting training also has unquestionable benefits, but it is aimed at those who practice high-intensity sports, or elite athletes. This group starts from the basis of an overdeveloped physical condition , bordering on the limits of its possibilities, and that looks for an element that allows it to improve even more.

The basis of success is to follow a good diet

From all this it follows that, for a person considered within the limits of normality as far as exercise is concerned, the fact of carrying out their sports activity on an empty stomach to reduce weight is still a contradictory concept. Actually, the most efficient method to decrease body fat levels is a good diet combined with high intensity interval work ( the famous HIIT ). Failure to follow these guidelines, the most likely is that you end up overloading your body and do not have enough energy to get the most out of your workouts.