Neck blackening

Many women take good care of their skin. They are always alert to brighten their faces. However, they often forget to give attention to their neck care. Yes, blackness in the neck is a problem that bothers many people. Excessive sun exposure, pollution and excessive use of chemical-free skin care products contribute to a dark neck. In some cases, poor hygiene can also cause blackness in your neck.

Skin darkening is called hyper pigmentation. It is also important to clean the neck with your face. It also requires daily scrubbing and moisturizing. If the black spot on the neck bothers you, you can try some effective home remedies.

home remedies for neck  blackening


Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of your skin and gives it a natural glow. It helps in removing dead skin cells. The presence of malic acid makes it an excellent exfoliator for the skin. All you have to do is add 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp water and mix well. Apply this coat to your neck with cotton cloth and rinse with water after 10 minutes. Repeat this process every alternate day.

Reduce neck blackening

Baking soda

Baking soda can help you get rid of dirt and dead skin cells. Moreover, it promotes circulation and nourishes your skin from the inside out. Take 2-3 tbsp baking soda and enough water to make a smooth paste. Place this paste on your neck and dry it. Once completely dry, rinse with water. Then moisturize your skin. Repeat this every day until you see good results.

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Neck blackening

Potato juice

Potatoes have the benefits of bleaching. It helps to remove black spots and tone your skin. Take a small potato and rub it with finely ground ruby ​​and juice. Put this juice on your neck and let it dry completely. Rinse with lukewarm water. You can repeat this twice a day.

Control of blackness in neck


Yogurt contains natural enzymes that work with the acids in the lemon and give the skin its effect. It nourishes and softens the skin. Take 2 tbsp of yogurt and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Put the two ingredients together on your neck. Leave to dry for about 20 minutes.


Turmeric is great for treating any fungal infection that causes hyperpigmentation as it has antiseptic and anti fungal properties. Peanut butter is an excellent scrub, and it works well to remove dead cells that cause darker skin cells. All you need is seaweed – 2 tbsp and turmeric – a pinch. Take turmeric and turmeric and mix with water. Put it on your neck and leave it on for 20 minutes or until it dries. Rinse with water. Do this three times a week for best results.

Get rid of neck blackening


Oats are great for exfoliating the skin and reducing hyper pigmentation. All you need is oats – 2 tbsp and tomato mash. Mix the two into a paste form. Put it on your neck and let it dry for 20 minutes. Then wash your neck with cold water. Doing it twice a week will reduce neck darkening.

Keera cucumber

Keera cucumber gives your skin a radiant and fresh look. Adding lemon juice to it can serve as a powerful toner to help reduce hyperpigmentation. Take equal parts of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply it on the neck with cotton dip. Leave to dry for ten minutes and then rinse with water. You can do this every day.

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Aloe with antioxidants and other properties also stimulates the production of skin and new skin cells. Extract the aloe gel and rub it directly on your neck to remove the black spot. Massage the skin gently and let it dry for twenty minutes. Rinse with cold water. It can be done every day for the best results.

Orange skin

All you need is an orange peel and milk / orange juice. Add paleo orange juice and stir until dried orange peel is paste. Put it on your neck and hold it for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. Apply this mask every day for best results. Orange Skin contains plenty of Vitamin C which helps to remove tan on the face and neck.