How to Support a Friend Who Is Struggling with Addiction
Those who know someone struggling with addiction often wonder how to help an addicted friend or family member. The decision to try and get...
Peppermint benefits – How it can help you get better
Peppermint benefits - How it can help you get better. It is a plant with a rather pleasant aroma, but also a large number...
What you should know about pain in Multiple Sclerosis
It is estimated that around 80% of people with MS experience MS-related pain at some point, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society estimates that...
Sand Helichrysum – a natural antidote for the body
Sand Helichrysum arenarium also known as an immortelle flower, doormat, dry dog or kociełaps .
The Sandworm comes from the Asteraceae family and is a...
5 Early symptoms of Diabetes
The numbers of people diagnosed with diabetes are high, but so are those of potential undiagnosed people. And is that many of them do...
How to stop nighttime cravings
Most food cravings can be curbed with a healthy, filling snack. Nighttime cravings Other times we just want to eat for the hell of...
Immunity Boosting Tips to fight against Corona virus
Ayurveda is very important in India. There are many examples of Ayurvedic medicine that cure many diseases that cannot be cured.
There are so many...
Amazing benefits of Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E Oil is great for skin and hair. This has many beauty benefits. Many people write what should shine beautifully. But the beauty...
What happens in the mouth affects the general health(periodontal health)
Contrary to what is generally assumed, what happens in the mouth does not stay in the oral cavity, but transcends the rest of the...
8 Self-Care Tips for the Winter Months
While practicing self-care is essential year-round, it’s especially important during the winter months. Bone-chilling temperatures, shorter days and social isolation can lead to increased...